Monday, 16 February 2009

People who help us - Fire fighter week

This week on our 'People who help us' project we are learning all about The Fire Brigade.

The Green Watch from Kettering Fire Station were kind enough to come to the nursery for the children to see and sit in the fire engine, use the hose and talk to the firemen.

Thursday, 12 February 2009

Library display

Your children have been working hard to create beautiful weavings, finger swirls, roller ball, toothbrush, sand paint, bubble and salad spinning paintings to display at Kettering Library. We are very proud of the work the children have created and delighted that the library contacted us to display the childrens work. If you are in town and near the library please call in and have a look.

Make the most of the wonderful snow

Hannah Wilson-Law wrote a letter which was printed in Wednesday 11th February 2009 Evening Telegraph
What is wrong with everyone? I cannot believe how many people I have heard complaining about the snow. Even the newsreaders commented they hoped for better weather soon (in my eyes you couldn't get better weather. People pay money to go on skiing holidays and here we've got the snow on our doorstep).
In a time in which we are constantly reminded of the worries of global warming, why are we moaning about the snow in winter (winter its meant to be cold)? Have we all become so work orientated that a couple of days of fun in the snow in unheard of? We may never see this again in our lifetime so why not enjoy it?
I work at a nursery school and for those of us who could walk in we have had a magical time. The children and the staff have made memories they will no doubt remember for a lifetime. Are a couple of days out of the normal routine so bad? Is it so awful if people stay at home and heaven forbid, have some fun?
In the past few days I have seen qualities that I have only heard my grandparents talk about - people helping one another, pushing cars, digging others out, families all out together for the whole day and just generally talking to passers by) I have actually spoken to my neighbours for the first time since moving here). Should we not be teaching our children about these things rather than wishing them away with the snow?
How often does a whole family spend a day together, let alone outside? And as for community spirit, it should be encouraged. We need to get back to the days when people helped one another. I say ban the cars, as they only ruin the magic of the beautiful landscapes covered in flawless white snow, and embrace your inner child. Get out the thermals and just enjoy - you only live once!

Friday, 6 February 2009

Fun in the snow

The and children and staff had fun in the snow today building their very own Queen of Hearts Snowman.