Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Easter Bank Holidays

Just a reminder that the nursery will be closed on Good Friday - 29th March & Easter Monday - 1st April 2013.  We would like to wish all our children, parents and grandparents a very happy and peaceful Easter.  We hope the Easter Bunny is good to you all!

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Red Nose Day 2013

And the grand total raised by our bake sale and donations is....£170.00!  Thank you to everyone who donated for this very worth while cause.  Some of our older children wanted to pose by the cakes for a picture so we thought we'd share these with you...(please click on a picture to enlarge)...

World Book Day Total

Congratulations and thank you to all our children and their parents for the wonderful World Book Day dressing up costumes.  We raised £70 which has been sent direct to Book Aid International.  This charity sends brand new books to public and community libraries, universities, hospitals and refugee camps in sub-Saharan Africa. THANK YOU!

Monday, 18 March 2013

New Topics

2-3 Side
w/c 18 March - Easter & Holi
w/c 1 April - Animal Babies
w/c 15 April - Springtime, Seeds & Growth
w/c 29 April - Lifecycles

3-4 Side
w/c 18 March - Eggs & Lifecycles
w/c 1 April - Springtime, Seeds & Growth
w/c 15 April - Trees & Flowers
w/c 29 April - Animal Babies

Friday, 15 March 2013

Holi Festival

Do you celebrate Holi? If so, how will you be celebrating?  Please drop us a line and let us know.

Friday, 8 March 2013

Travelling Ted is getting ready for his holiday!

Just a reminder if you are off on your holidays, Travelling Ted has packed his case and is ready to join you!  Please ask a member of staff for details.

Fire! Fire!

A massive thank you to the Green Watch Firemen who took time out of their busy schedule to come and visit the nursery.  The children enjoyed sitting in the cab, trying on the fireman's hats and even spraying the hoses!  They also learnt about the wonderful job our Fireman do on a daily basis - please enjoy the selection of photographs below..
Have they got this hat in a smaller size?!

Firewoman to the rescue!

I just turn this handle...

This should do the trick...

This takes some concentration!

Photocall, everyone!

Mr Parker won't have to water his garden this weekend!

Ready for action!

This is the nozzle for the hose...

Here's my hat and i'm ready for action, now where's the fire?...

I wonder if anyone wants their car washing?
Mrs Parker, an honoury member of the Green Watch team!