Monday, 5 August 2013

Our jellyfish song for singing along at home!

Maybe the children can teach you the actions at home too!

Five blind jellyfish
Sitting on a rock, woo!
Sitting on a rock, woo!
One fell off, aahhh!

(Continue counting down until there are no jellyfish left).

Nursery Summer Topics 3/4 Side

15th & 22nd July - The Beach
29th July & 5th August - In the Sea
12th & 19th August - At the Airport
26th August - Camping & Caravanning
2 September - Days Out

Nursery Summer Topics 2/3 Side

15th & 22nd July - How Do You Travel?
29th July & 5 August - Days Out
12th & 19th August - Sun, Sea & Sand
26th August & 2nd September - The Wonders of the World