Thursday 21 November 2013

Current topics 2/3 side

The focus of our project this term is 'Something Special'. W/c 11th November - Preparing for Celebration W/c 18th November - Giving & Receiving W/c 25th November - Christmas Characters W/c 2nd December - Colours of Christmas W/c 9th December - Nativity W/c 16th December - Fun & Games!

Current topics 3/4 side

W/c 11th November - Diwali W/c 18th November - Preparing for Christmas W/c 25th November - Giving & Receiving W/c 2nd December - Christmas Characters W/c 9th December - Nativity W/c 16th December - Fun & Games!

Friday 15 November 2013

Children In Need Pyjama Day & Cake Sale

Thank you for all your kind donations to our pyjama day & cake sale. We raised a grand total of £188.00 today which we will split between Children In Need and the Phillipines Disaster Relief fund.

Folder Evenings - Tuesday 19th & Wednesday 20th November 4.45 - 6.00pm

Our 'Folder Evenings' are being held on Tuesday 19th November & Wednesday 20th November between 4.45pm and 6.00pm. This is an opportunity to view your child's work, with your child, and see the progress they have made during their time at nursery. Keyworkers will not be present at this time - dates are set aside in early 2014 for our 'parent's evenings' where you can make an appointment and come and talk to your child's keyworker.

Thursday 14 November 2013

Autumn Bonanza Update

The Autumn Bonanza was a huge success last night so thank you to you all for coming along and supporting us. We had over one hundred people passing through our doors last night armed with Christmas goodies and maybe a few non Christmas treats too! We will plough all the profits from the raffle back into the nursery to help pay for extras such as the children's Christmas Party - it all goes back into the children. Unclaimed raffle prizes: Pink 606-610/ Peach 326-330/ Blue 675/ Yellow 611-615. If you have any of these numbers please call into the office to collect your prizes. Also congratulations to Liz Hutton with Lucky Entry Ticket 47 - you have won the beautiful Petal Cascade Flowers. As an added extra we actually found an extra raffle prize on top of the office filing cabinet which we forgot to include! Tesco kindly donated a Bayliss & Harding Beauticology set - we selected an extra Lucky Entry Ticket 88 - Amanda Campbell, congratulations your prize is awaiting collection! Once again, thank you for all your support. *Sarah Elliott from Twinkle Toes would like to thank everyone who donated to her fundraising run for Breast Cancer Research. She raised £65.00 and we will update you when Sarah has completed her race - hopefully if I ask her nicely, she may supply some pictures for the blog!*

Tuesday 12 November 2013

Pyjama Day for Children In Need Friday 15th November

Just a reminder that all the staff will be wearing their pyjamas on Friday 15th November for Children In Need. Please donate £1 and come in your pyjamas too. We will also be baking cakes and holding a bake sale at pick up times so please feel free to donate any cakes for this too. Due to the current situation in the Phillipines caused by the recent typhoon, we will be splitting the money between Children In Need and the disaster relief fund. Thank you.

Monday 11 November 2013

Autumn Bonanza Shopping & Social Evening Wednesday 13th November 7.30pm

Christmas is almost upon us again and what better way to buy some gifts but at our annual shopping & social evening. We have approximately 20 stalls including: upcycled & vintage gifts, children's toys, doll's clothes & hobby horses, books, candles, puddings & cake mixes, cards, decorations & Christmas gifts, Timeless Teas gifts, Jewellery, Jams, pickles & preserves, Granny Bubble's sweeties, plants, garden furniture & unique garden gifts and many more! Tickets are on sale in the office for only £1 (to include wine and nibbles and each has a lucky number for an extra prize!)please email to reserve your tickets as there will be limited availibility on the door. Raffle tickets are on sale now for £1 a strip - prizes include a 2 ball for Wellingborough Golf Club, Cut & Blow Dry at Queens, Rothwell, Family bowling at the New York Thunderbowl, Meal for 2 at the Trading Post, Twinlakes & Kid's Play tickets and more. We'd love to see you there!

Tuesday 5 November 2013

Our 17th Anniversary (in this building!)

We are celebrating seventeen years of the Queen of Hearts being in our current building this week. We opened in 1990 at 223 Rockingham Road and took just 25 children per session. Our waiting list grew so quickly and Mrs Parker got so frustrated at not being able to accomodate everyone, it was time to move onto bigger things. We can't believe how quickly time flies when we're having so much fun preparing your wonderful children for their school life ahead!